You’ve seen the news. Inflation is up. School and pre-school schedules are uncertain. Jobs are available, but some don’t pay a “living wage.” And there is a lot of flux in the Texas Economy right now.

All of those changes can have an effect on your ability to pay the bills and provide for yourself and your children. Additionally, if you are paying child support, they can have an effect on your ability to pay your support and to provide for children that are a product of a new relationship.
The current economic changes may also cause someone to need Child Support that simply didn’t before. You may need money now that you could get by without before.
Texas Child Support is established under the Texas Family Code. The Court has the power to order that support be paid, how much is to be paid, and how it is to be paid.
The Court also has the power to enforce prior orders and to modify or change orders that were previously put in place. These changes can be made on a Temporary or Permanent basis.
Texas Code Chapter 156 provides that the Court can change your child support order if certain things have occurred. Those things include:
1. A Material and Substantial Change in Circumstances; or
2. The passage of time, if certain conditions are met.
What that means is that sometimes all you need to get a change to the orders is the passage of time and a request properly presented to the court. In other cases, even if very little time has passed since the prior order was put in place, you may be entitled to a change if enough things are different now from the way they were when the order was put in place. What kinds of things? Here are a few things to consider:
1. Do you have a new job?
2. Does your ex have a new job?
3. Have you lost your job?
4. Have you lost a significant income source?
5. Are there more children in the picture now?
6. Has your health changed and affected your income? These are just a few of the things to consider.
An attorney can help you start child support, stop child support (in some cases), or modify the child support you are getting or the child support that you are paying. The only way to know what’s possible, though, is to reach out and ask.